Got My Christmas Groove On Early!


Do you like to start decorating early for the holidays, like I do?

Maybe you have gotten your tree already – or are planning to do so over the long Thanksgiving weekend?

Perhaps you dusted off your holiday outdoor lights and started untangling them?

If it wasn’t for my Holiday Workshops in early December, where we make kissing balls, wreaths and candle centerpieces with fresh evergreens, I am not sure if I would be as motivated to start “this” early, but because I am excited for the upcoming class – I have started much of my holiday decorating endeavors early.

I’m getting my Christmas Groove On!

I’m proud that I setup most of the holiday outdoor lights on my own, with ladder and all – and even set them up on timers!

And my kitchen, bathroom, craft workshop, and even my bedroom spaces are adorned in some kind of holiday cheer or theme.

Last week, I made my first candy cane wreath to test out the steps as this is a new feature in my class this year.

Every day, I am thinking of what I should do next?

Cathy T with Cofee

When my hubby, Steve, comes home from work – he looks around and says, “It’s Christmas here already!” but I don’t think he minds.
He gets into the spirit as much as I do.

Reasons to do things early

Sometimes I tell myself I should stop decorating or I will have a boat load of un-decorating to do after the holiday season comes to a close, but there are some advantages of doing things early.


You will have more patience for that string of lights you put up on an arbor in a risky situation, like standing on a ladder which isn’t level, and then the lights won’t work after you are all done. Even though you tested them just a half hour before. Ack. More time equals more patience. At least for me.


You feel the sun on your face and the warmer temperatures than you may experience if you waited til mid-December to do outdoor decorations. The fingers are not as frozen and cheeks not as red – it can be a great time to get decorating done before our first snow fall arrives.


You get the house cleaning, which you were suppose to do in spring, done now and discover you have more dust bunnies than imaginable. So now you have a head start and it doesn’t feel as taxing to clean, clean, clean. Especially the dreaded shower glass.

wrapping paper

It also allows you to dream a bit of Christmases of the past, while searching for left over wrapping paper you thought you had, which is something I thought of just today – because I have a big prize to wrap for my upcoming holiday workshop. Guess now I have to go out to get some – doing things early can sometimes enable dealing with less crowds at the stores too.


Doing things early also gives me time to consider what type of festive libation to offer – Should it be pomegranate or cranberry based? After all-it must be red to match the theme, right?

My mind starts to get carried away as I consider rimming the drink glasses with green or red coated sugar, or contemplating how to make big decorative chunks of ice with my jelly molds.

Where does this early planning and dreaming end?

Don’t forget “Pinterest!”


We start browsing pinboards of holiday ideas and next thing you know we are attempting a new crafting idea.

It just never ends, and somehow, that is okay because being festive is sharing the love of enjoying the holidays together – and for many of us, decorating our special spaces indoors and outdoors is a big part of that.

Thanksgiving at Present

However, Thanksgiving is only 2 days away. Soon, we will be with our family and friends enjoying a big meal. Probably most of us are thinking about grocery shopping and our recipe lists. Today, I’m making my cranberry relish from scratch which is popular with my family. We all have our favorites.

Tday Hat

It is time I get back to the present. The reality that we are to enjoy Thanksgiving this weekend first and foremost!
A time where we are thankful for all that we have – and for all our blessings.
A time for being with family and eating an abundant meal.
The Santa hat will just have to wait.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I’m thankful for all of you!

Cathy Testa

Container Crazy CT

Container Crazy CT is located in Broad Brook, CT



4 thoughts on “Got My Christmas Groove On Early!

  1. Love this Cathy!!! It’s great fun to get ready for Christmas and if we get prepared early I think we can celebrate more and stress less. Great words that aren’t always that easy to follow.
    But I think we all agree that thanksgiving is not to be left behind.
    Christmas can be magical but thanksgiving grounds us to what’s important.
    Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

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